Grants and Fellowships

As principal investigator:

2017. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation “More than words: Using the power of film to capture the lived experience of violence."

2011—2014. Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC) Établissement de nouveaux professeurs-chercheurs, “Forms of Care in the Canadian Arctic: Inuit and the State amidst a Tuberculosis Epidemic."

2006—2007. Film Study Center (FSC)-Harvard Fellowship, “Into Unknown Parts.”

2003—2004. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for original and significant study in religious studies and ethics.

2002—2003. National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant.

As co-applicant:

2021. (co-applicant) University Teaching Labs Working Group Grant for Sensory Ethnography Lab, McGill University.

2019—2023. (co-investigator) FQRSC Emerging Team Grant, “Protection des réfugiés, pertes et luttes pour la justice: du contexte local au contexte mondial.”

2016—2021. (co-applicant) SSHRC Insight Grant, “The Politics of Sylvan Thinking: Amazonian Ecologies, Indigenous Ontologies, and the Rights of Nature in the Age of Neo-extractivism.”